Who’s Who and What’s What: Advances in Biomedical Named Entity Recognition (BioNER)- Sybren Jansen
Our Head of AI, Sybren Jansen published an article on Medium about advances in BioNER. In this article he provides an extensive overview of BioNER research to help tackle current challenges. From techniques on dealing with imperfect datasets, due to annotator disagreement or bias, to transfer, multi-task, and few-shot learning, all the way to knowledge-based systems that do not rely on supervised train data at all, but utilize external knowledge like ontologies.
“ This exploration is important as there are a few challenges that do not always exist in other domains, including:
- Data is often not freely available, especially in the clinical case.
- Annotation of data requires expert knowledge.
- The space of biomedical concepts is enormous, making it unlikely that NER systems will transfer beyond the specific settings for which they were annotated.”- To read more, please go to Who’s Who and What’s What: Advances in Biomedical Named Entity Recognition (BioNER)